Since his early childhood, Elon Musk has shown some unusual interests that have determined him as one of the greatest innovators of the 21st century:

  • First of all the expressed imagination, he possesses.
  • Excellent memory and information retention capacity to make the right decisions,
  • Hard work and dedication to goals have led to the highest economic and scientific attitudes.

How to be successful and improve our online business through principles that consistently hold Elon Musk?

Here is the answer:

  • Be good under pressure 
  • Hard Work
  • Learn a lot
  • Work with smart people
  • Risk

Good pressure tolerance

Elon Mask looks great with pressure. Do you too? Contemporary dynamic business requires you to have a high tolerance threshold for under pressure. Usually, managers do not make good decisions when exposed to highly stressful situations.

Elon Musk has been experiencing critical situations many times when he has to make important decisions and it has almost always happened that he was at the time the best version of himself. At those moments he was cold-blooded, focused on the problem, and instinct all the way to the end.

Hard work

Without hard work, you can not expect to achieve business success. Simply this is the golden principle Elon Mask literally holds.

When he set up his first startup Zip2 (the web software that provided the city’s guide to the magazine in the publishing industry, we are talking about something that appealed to Google Map), with his brother Kimball almost did not go home but he slept in the office.

He entrusted his enthusiasm and dedication to the few employees who accompanied him in his mission. Some of the clients who came to a small office in downtown San Francisco often complained of stench. The employees were scared, but they did not leave the houses for several days. In later years and new companies, Mask continued to work the same rhythm.


Engineer’s mind and expressed the possibility of learning

Mask is an engineer by profession (he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Economic Management). He used his engineering skills in the right way to connect technology and business to accomplish his childhood dreams like a trip to space, electric cars, traveling to Mars.

To succeed in business in the modern world you need to quickly learn, separate essentially from the irrelevant and be effective in the reproduction of your knowledge.

Elon, literally from scratch, erected the SpaceX cosmic company, gathering around him brilliant engineers and business people. Regardless of the fact that he was the founder and chief financier of the company in the early days (he invested almost all the money earned from selling PayPal), Musk learned about various aspects of the aero industry and cosmic programs. So he could be in the process of making a rocket, to better understand the needs of engineers, to make good business decisions.

Recruiting smart people

Elon Mask recruits brilliant people who will help him to realize his vision. In order for your business and your company to be successful, you have to employ people who will be the foundation of your business.

Without smart and innovative people, you will hardly be able to expect your business to grow and become profitable. Mask recruited his engineers by closely monitoring who these young people are ending prestigious California faculties or who were busy in Boeing but on deadly boring projects.

Elon offered them to work at his startups and to change the world. This included shaky work. There is an anecdote that a SpaceX engineer worked for five years, 14 hours a day without free weekends (this was his own choice).

Who risks it gets

As a special feature that you can notice at Elon, it’s a great gambler. Almost all his major decisions were crazy and involved situations when he decided on everything or nothing. Several times he was able to bankrupt but always withdrew due to his decisions.

A modern way of doing business simply requires you to leave the zone of confrontation and make risky decisions so you can expect to achieve business success. No one is guaranteed to succeed in business if he does not take risks. Elon Musk experienced a failure to fail as he tried to successfully launch the Falcon 1 rocket into the Universe.

The first two attempts were unsuccessful and Musk’s critics just waited for the moment to announce bankruptcy. However, in Fall 2008, Falcon 1 flew to the Universe and so Musk changed the course of the space industry and became the first private company to launch a missile into the Universe leaning only on their strengths and resources.

Advertising is everything

Elon is a master of self-esteem. Almost in all situations when he was burning under his feet he was able to turn his faults to his advantage.

Did you know the fact that Robert Downey Jr when creating the character of Tony Starck (Ironman) had just had a meeting with Elon who hosted him in his development SpaceX camp. Hence the casual and playboy style in the American blockbuster that the actor literally conveyed.

If you want to succeed in a modern way of business, you must invest time, money and energy in order to present yourself in the best light possible.

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